Make your Photograph Resemble What You See in the Mirror

Do we look better in the mirror than in an actual photograph. Tricks of the Trade says that since most of us don't have a perfectly symmetrical face, we tend to like pictures of us that more closely resemble what we see in the mirror.

So they have published a neat and simple trick to make your digital images resemble what you see in the mirror.

Just open the image file in any graphics editing softwae, flip the image horizontally and make a selection that you want in the final printed copy. Google Picasa can do this for you and it will also save a copy of your original photograph.

A simple trick that we all are aware of but never tried it.

Related: How to look more attractive in Photographs

Photoshop Facelift has a detailed tutorial on creating a symmetrical face by adjusting the photo in Photoshop.

Source: Self-Portraitist: Tricks of the Trade