www.blogger.com/changes10.g - Dynamic list of most recently updated blogs hosted on Blogger.com [like Digg Spy]
www.blogger.com/login.g - A simple no-frills page to sign-in to your Blogger account.
www.blogger.com/redirect/next_blog.pyra - To visit any random blog hosted on blogspot.com [something like Stumble Upon]
help.blogger.com/?page=wishlist - This is the place to go when you like to make a suggestion to blogger about new features or vote for existing features.
www.blogger.com/forgot.g - When you forget your Blogger password or even the username, this is all you need.
help.blogger.com/?page=help - The secret page to contact blogger when you have a problem with your blogspot blog. People are not using this much but believe me, the blogger team at Google is very responsive and do listen to your complaints.
google.com/group/blogger-help - This google group is monitored by employees of google working on Blogger. This is one place you should visit very frequently to get an update on new blogger template ideas, suggestions, issues, etc.
help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py - List of known bugs or issues in the Blogger platform and possible workarounds.
Blogger Templates - Resources for free blogspot templates.
Hide Blogspot Navbar - How to remove the blogger navigation bar.