MuveeMix is an online video mixing service that takes your pictures and video clips and convert them into extremely interesting and watchable movies with effects like the ones you see in MTV videos or the sepia tone movies of the Charlie Chaplin era.
All this is done inside your web browser without downloading any software or learning the complex principles of video editing and encoding. You can even add any soundtrack to the movie and even text titles [like the movie casting]
If you have ever used Windows Movie Maker or even Microsoft Photostory, you can immediately connect with the MuveeMix software. The only difference is that Muveemix is much simpler and can produce more stylish and professional looking videos for you though they impose a size limit of 100MB on the input media.
muveeMix supports MPG, MPEG, AVI and WMV video input formats. You should try this service atleast once to understand the capabilities and the intelligent video remixing that magically highlights the important points of your video. Some of them can be very surprising.
The finished video clips can be directly embedded in your blog or myspace account via the muveemix web interface itself.
MuveeMix.com - Video Editing on the Web.