The Indian Blogosphere is buzzing with analysis of Blog Camp 1.0 that recently concluded in Chennai. Here're some of the most interesting comments from participants of the Blog Camp 2006:
I wish I' hung around a little longer, but as soon as too many people started noticing my CNN IBN mike logo and saying "Why don't you attend my talk on a very pathbreaking concept," I decided it was time to leave - Rohini
We are the so called first generation bloggers and it might be another generation before it takes off big in India. - Shyam
I'm feeling so much more better as an individual, as a blogger and as a human being after the Blogcamp! - Sandhya
So, here is my suggestion to kribs: start a political party now. Strike the iron when it is hot and all that. I have a name for the party too. BMK. Blogger Munnetra Kazhagam ?? - Suman Kumar
More needs to be done to bring in women who blog to such events. Suggestions? All-night beach parties aren't really motivating for all of us - Dina Mehta
The person who runs site for stock prices & share market blogs updates drove back home in his underpants after forgetting where he left his pants. - Sathish
BlogCamp after effects? Noticed this chap staring intently at this magazine [Business 2.0 Blogging for Dollars] while shopping at Landmark - Adel Anwar
I am one who believes that nothing can replace a handshake. Rajesh
Sunil Gavaskar speaking to an audience is not an unconference. He speaks. We listen. Period. - Nilu
Like BlogCamp or hate it, you can't dislike the people who organized it. Nandhu
Almost everybody who walked into the un-conference had something or the other on hand which they thought was their gift to the blogging community - a brand to promote, a url to popularize or a presentation to deliver. - Jammy
I feel, Chennai bloggers are obsessed with the term unconference. After the phenomenal success of the BarCamp, every other meet here is in the unconference mode. - BotHack
Though there wasn't anything earth shattering said, but the 'unconference' was even worth visiting because it got most Indian bloggers under one roof!! - Garima Dhiman
But now we put pictures of our abodes on our blogs. And it is a timeless picture which can be accessed by anybody anytime. Priceless !! Rajat
The audience at most sessions was always a mix of bloggers who wake up and live through the day with their blogs, journalists, and curious people from the corporate world who came to understand what all the blogging hullabaloo was about. Kishore
The first thing most did on entering the large auditorium was to whip out their laptops and check their mail. Most continued to surf through the day - Shailaja
So, how was BlogCamp? Truth be told, it was boring. There were very few conversations that went anywhere. Even when there were conversations, no ideas flowed. It was sheer banter. - Abhinav
So ladies and gentlemen, would you fill up your glasses? Thank, you. Please rise and let's drink to Kiruba Shankar and his dedicated team of volunteers. - Sunil
Everybody was buzzing around looking supremely important. And doing important stuff. Pavithra
I'm joining the blogforce today...Your words, "You shouldn't just be covering the Blogcamp (Chennai), you should be blogging!" still ring in my ears. Thank you guys at the camp for insisting that I start a grammar blog. - Geeta
Blogcamp 2006 Cartoon strip by Saad Akhtaar