You can control all the function of your washing machine remotely. When the wash is complete, you will be informed via SMS, email or an alert on the Television set.
Dubbed as Laundry Time, this new technology links Washers and dryers wirelessly to internet-connected home networks. Consumers receive updates on their dirty laundry via mobile phones, computers and TV sets.
Messages not only indicate when a wash is complete but also can warn that a lint filter is clogged or a load is too large. Users can remotely command the machines to fluff dry clothes or start a load from a distance after being told - oops - they forgot to start the wash.
The next target consumer appliance is Dishwashers.
The project, which involves Whirlpool, Panasonic and Microsoft relies on a wireless network, two TV tuners and Microsoft Media Server software to send the details to devices across the home network and beyond.
Sources: Connected @ Home | CNN | SMH Australia