"Hey, This free website has a wonderful collection of video clips from Hollywood blockbusters. Do check it out" - When you receive this kind of an email from a friend or some stranger, you are very tempted to click the URL to check the contents of the site but at the same time, you are in big doubt whether it is safe to visit the site.
Luckily here's a free tool that can confirm or reject your doubts about that link which you are so desperate to click.
Linkchecker is a free online service that should help you in such dilemma situations. Just type in the site URL and LinkChecker would visit the website for you and report back the contents if there's a risk factor involved in visiting the site.
LinkChecker is useful when you need to check just a single website address. LinkScanner scans only the page entered, not any secondary pages or sites linked to from the URL.
If you are looking for a similar solution that can automatically scan search engine results, I would suggest Scandoo or McAfee SiteAdvisor - both are free but brilliant services to prevent you from accidently clicking links that may lead to bad websites.
Source: Yahoo Press Release | Desktop Pipeline